Automatic Swing Barrier

Swing Barriers by Alaska Group are manufactured as per international standards using supreme quality raw materials. Alaska Group deploys world-class technology with IR sensors best used to control access to the premises.
Swing barriers are designed in a way that serve multi-utility to its users by detecting unauthorized entrances and exits. Alaska Swing gates hold an access control system that allows entry and exit post-authentication by ID card swipe, fingerprint, or face authentication.
Every place where controlled access is crucial, records are to be kept, and visiting management has to be coordinated to make swing barriers become essential. Alaska swing barriers are high in demand in various locations like airports, stadiums, govt. sector, office entrance, factories, etc.
The swing barriers by the company are available in compact designs still possess enough space to integrate with advanced technologies for customized utilities. Alaska swing barriers are known for their efficiency and adequate speed that prevent any inconvenience of rush and the boring time lag.
Being the leading swing barrier manufacturer, we provide products with the unique features of safety solutions for the hour of emergency or power failure allowing fast evacuation.